Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wednesday is done...but not really.

Wednesday was a big day.  We finished the house.  Finished our food and toy deliveries.  And finished our fourth and last day of doing the skit.

Finished might be a funny word in this case.  The house will begin a new life with a family of 6 giving it life.  There are so many stories yet to unfold in that structure but already it’s given the people who built it a few stories of there own.  There is the story of the boy who climbed a pole each day to watch our crew work on the house.  He watched each day.  Just wanting to be a part of what was happening and to be one of us.  How has this moment changed his story?  Will the house stand as a reminder to him? 

Then there’s the family that will live in this house.  We discovered that they slept here last night.  On what, we’re not sure.  All that was in the house the morning we came to finish it was a single candle in a can and few items rolled up in the corner.  It was poignant to see so few things on moving day.  Someone noted that on some of the small, humble shacks that dot the area there are small satellite dishes.  They wondered out loud, I wonder what they think when they watch the Kardashians. 

To say we finished food delivery seems odd, too.  We delivered 20 food sets to families in the area.  The modest amount of food will last them far longer than it would any of our families.  Maybe more than a month.  But what then?  The job isn’t finished, far from it.

Even the skit isn’t finished.  Yes, Skid managed to wrestle its meandering plot threads and cast of many into a conclusion.  But the words of encouragement it offered aren’t meant to end when the last line was spoken.  Our hope that in the telling of the story, it will encourage our audience and our cast to think and begin again, to renew their own personal search for wisdom. 

Note:  We hope in the coming week to do an overview of the 50-pages of script we covered in four days and share our story with you.  In the end, the magical medieval items that were supposed to solve the riddle and restore wisdom and peace to the kingdom, didn’t.  People seeing things differently, looking past life’s riddles to see the truth, restored the kingdom.  And isn’t that what wisdom is all about?  Not looking to things for the answers but looking at things differently. 

While a number of things concluded today, we also experienced a number of new things.  And, that’s life, too.  Always something ending and something beginning.  All of the teens were brought together, Americanos and Mexicanos, to share in a class lead by Jeff McClain.  He told the story of another search of wisdom and peace.  Ask your teens about it.  It’s really a story you should share together. 

And though we’re done with some things, there are still things to do.  Present the home to the family.  Take part in a lip dub that Skid promises will wrap the story of our week in a musical moment.  Something we can look back on and remember.  The things we did.  What we completed together.  And the many, many things in this life and on this quest for wisdom that we discovered, uncovered and have yet to do.

 Food Delivery Crew

 Puppet Crew

Playing with the Kids

 Special Projects Crew

 Seen around the City of Children

 House Building Crew

Last Night of the Skit!

Festival of Sharing Hat Winner -- Lindsey Webb!

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